DIY Faux Fur Cat Ears Headband For Adults or Babies. Make your own set of faux fur and felt cat ears in less than 30 minutes. 🐱 Perfect for costumes and parties!

When I was just a little thing, I was dressed up as an adorable little black cat for my first ‘real Halloween’. Don’t take my word for it – you be the judge!

So. Adorable. Gah.

Fast forward 20 years or so from that photo I had decided that I would someday have a little girl and dress her the exact same way for Halloween, it would be so. Life moved on as usual.

Then, all of a sudden, it’s the present day and I have myself a sweet baby girl who is literally the same age I was in that photo. So of course, she would be a kitty cat too! It was written in the stars. 😍

I got right to work at ‘making’ her costume.

I do enjoy sewing simple projects but I’m not formally trained and the idea of building something from scratch is really intimidating.

However, I am known for altering premade garments to fit my needs. In high school, all of my favorite shirts were guy shirts. I would sew them tighter with curves so that the shirts were nice and fitted but were longline and had longer sleeves. Not only were they always so comfy, but they were also effortlessly sexy. 💅😘

Back to the black kitten costume,💁‍♀️ I decided that a black long sleeve onesie was just not going to cut it. Cotton just didn’t have the look I was going for but a black leotard was just the thing I needed. The tricky part came to finding a leotard in her size. The smallest size available was a size 4-6. Mind you, it was 3 days before Halloween.

Just to clarify – my daughter is one.

I knew I would be sewing it up so I bought the size 4-6 anyway. Let me just say – It was huge! and she looked ridiculous! I wish I could show you a photo but I didn’t even think to take a picture.

I put her in the black long sleeve leotard inside out and had her grammy hold her steady while I pinned it all where it should be, about 3 inches smaller all around.

Handling safety pins around a curious pre-toddler is dangerous business and I had to make it snappy. We then very carefully wiggled her out of the pinned leotard and then gave each other a high five because we earned it.

I then very poorly drew some lines connecting the safety pins to create the new seams. I cut about a half inch away from my hand-drawn line then ran it through my serger! Ta da! 🙌 Womp Womp

Ok now that her leotard is done, we move on to the goods!

These are some seriously cute and easy faux fur cat ears.

I’ll admit it. I was pretty selfish this Halloween. I had this vision of my daughter going as an adorable little black cat and I would be dressed as a witch with a fabulous hat. A witch and her black cat, the perfect little duo. SO STINKING CUTE, amiright? Except I forgot that her daddy and her grammy would want to dress up with her as well. They just love her as much as I do!

This witch ended up being a regular cat lady🙈😂

I knocked out these cat ear headbands in about 30 minutes, start to finish. I’m notorious for making costumes at the eleventh hour, but not this year!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Black Cardstock
  • Black Fur
  • Pink Felt
  • Scissors
  • Glue Gun
  • Headband

I’ve included the template I used.

Just print it off and use scissors to cut it out or upload it to design space like I did and have your Cricut do all the leg work! 😉

Using my Cricut Explore Air 2 to cut out cat ear shapes on black cardstock for me.

The first thing you’re going to want to do is cut out the shape of the larger outer ear onto your black cardstock.

After you have your ear shape cut out you’re going to want to fold the bottom up about a half inch to create the base where you’ll attach the ear to a headband later. Next, fold the ear in half forming a triangle, and open it back up. Finally, cut a small slit in the bottom center of the ear in order to give the ear a better shape.

Take a look at the photo below to get a better idea of what I’m saying.

Next, you will attach your fur to your cardstock ear.

Cut out a triangle of fur in a shape resembling your paper ear. This does not need to be exact, the fur easily blends together, and having a perfectly symmetrical ear is unnatural anyway.

  1. Using hot glue place a strip of glue on the bottom edge of the back of the ear and firmly place it on the wrong side of the fur. Be careful to align the bottoms.
  2. Next, fold the top of the triangle down toward the center and secure it with hot glue.
  3. Lastly, fold and glue the sides into themselves, being careful to cut extra fur that doesn’t match with available space.
  4. Repeat with the next ear.

Tip: Getting hot glue on the fur itself using results in an unsightly mess. Try to avoid it if you can.



Once you have your ears fully covered in black fur you will then add the inner ear with the pink felt.

You need to cut out the smaller inner ear shape with the pink felt. I cut mine out with my Cricut, it saved a ton of time and I got to fold the laundry while it worked but you can cut it out by hand.

Once they are cut out you are going to hot glue them to the front of the ears. I put the glue on the felt first then pressed them into the fur. Being super careful that it was exactly where I wanted it first. It is difficult to make a U-turn when hot glue and faux fur are working together!

Now that we have 2 complete ears it is time to attach them to your headband of choice.

I used these headbands. They are good quality and your ears will get to be loved for years to come.

I also made a quick stretch knit headband for my daughter so I could attach the ears to it instead. She still doesn’t have any hair so we live by these thick stretch knit headband bows around here!

Now it’s time to attach your ears to your headband of choice!

I like to fold my ears to resemble the shape of real ears to get them ready to be glued down. But first things first. Put on your headband and decide where you’d like your ears to be on your head. Take off the headband then will glue the base of ONE ear to the headband.

Ok now STOP! 🛑

Put your headband back on and determine where the second ear should be placed for the best look. Once you are confident in your placement, take the headband off and apply hot glue to the base of your ear and place it your predetermined location.

And there you have it! I used the same method to attach the mini ears to an elastic baby headband.

Didn’t she make just the cutest little cat?!

Let me know how they turned out! I want to hear from you and if you send me your photos I was thinking it would be fun to feature your images right here too so we can all share some more inspiration!

So now it’s your turn! If you try this, tag me at @goldengluegun

Golden Gluegun is a DIY lifestyle blog featuring incredible DIY flips, sewing tutorials, crafts, and creative inspiration. Join me as we plan and create!

Step-by-step instructions for making an adorable faux fur cat ear headband. Quick and easy costume DIY for adults and babies.

Halloween DIY Treat Basket for Pre-ToddlersIf you’re interested in recreating her adorable little basket, check out the easy-to-follow tutorial! It is the perfect size for a toddler or pre-toddler! You won’t believe what I accidentally did to the garage while making it. 😱🙈