This Cricut project took all of 30 minutes one evening and I thought it could be a really fun photo prop for when our sweet baby Evie arrives.
I got the Name Tag image from The Elm Life. She has it generously available for free so head over there and grab yours, and check out her adorable blog while you are at it! After importing the Png into Cricut Design Space, I saved it as a complex image and removed any white areas, then saved it as a cut image.
I added our sweet little girl’s name-to-be in the space below. You can use any font that you like just make sure you weld those letters together so that it cuts as one image and not just a bunch of letters! The typeface I’m using
Cut it Out!
Using Heat Transfer Vinyl cut your design with your Cricut or another cutting machine. As with all
Now just Iron it on! Side Note: If you are using glitter HTV make sure it is the last to go on. Other HTV will not stick to the texture of the glitter so just make sure it is the upper layer.
Voila! Super easy, super fast DIY Baby Onesie.
I’m certain if you already have a cutting machine you know how satisfying these quick projects can be. If you’re on the fence about getting one, you will not regret this investment. I know I was hesitant to spend so much money on crafting but seriously this thing is the coolest ever. W
I am so excited for my little one to wear this when she arrives. In fact, I’ll be sure to share a photo of her sporting it when she gets here! Yay!
For another fun
So now it’s your turn! If you try this, tag me at @goldengluegun
Golden Gluegun is a DIY lifestyle blog featuring incredible DIY flips, sewing tutorials, crafts, and creative inspiration. Join me as we plan and create!